Tania Bubela

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Tania Bubela
Associate Professor
School of Public Health
University of Alberta

Tania Bubela has been an associate professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the School of Public Health since 2008 and holds an appointment as adjunct assistant professor in the School of Business.

Dr. Bubela holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree (1988) from the Australian National University and a Doctor of Philosophy degree (1995) from the University of Sydney, Australia. In addition, she earned a Bachelor of Laws (Gold Medalist) degree (2003) from the University of Alberta.

After gaining her law degree, Dr. Bubela clerked for the Honourable Louise Arbour at the Supreme Court of Canada. Her doctoral research was in the biological sciences and she taught biology and genetics as a faculty member at the University of Toronto at Mississauga. From 2004-2008, she was an assistant professor at the School of Business, University of Alberta.

Dr. Bubela's research interests include Intellectual property law and policy, health law, biotechnology, genomics, technology transfer, commercialization of biomedical research and science communication. Her current research focuses on intellectual property issues and other legal and ethical issues in health and agricultural biotechnology and biomedical research more broadly.